mi: It's striking that I'm also one of those compulsive folk who needs to know what everything is called and so have wondered the very same thing myself. After looking into it a bit I concluded that these terms are somewhat nebulous

With continued use the meaning of a word undergoes a semantic shift, that I like to call "smearing," that affords it wider application. A drive drive drive drive is the flight of a ball in a baseball game, the outcome of which results in an automobile trip by the all-time home-run champion to a venue in which culturally-acquired concern for the proliferation of a keychain semiconductor memory is sponsored through the profits of a lumber mill whose continued existencce depends upon the legalization of dredging a shallow river intended to convey logs downstream for further processing

Another case in point: Note for instance, "venue", which used to be a quasi-legal term meaning the location or county in which the event underlying an action occurred. Now, it seems, you can use it to mean "place" or "event": What's your venue for today
