Here's another apparent habit of Mac: You're working in window A when you have to bring up document B--say, for reference. But when you're done with B and exit, you find that A has also been deleted

For instance, you are writing a post in AWAD when you need to look up a phrase, whereupon you access Google, perform the required entries, then click on an appropriate hit. But when you attempt to return you find that Mac has exited AWAD, whereupon you have to open it again, but of course your post has now vanished

Yet after retyping as much as you can remember of the original post, you had forgotten what you had learned in Google. This time, however, you're getting smarter; so when you need to look up the phrase a second time you first copy your post for easy retrieval in case Mac exits AWAD a second time

But when you return to Google you find that all your entries here also have been deleted. Am I the only Mac convert in our entire membership to struggle with problems of this sort

Thanks everyone for all your patient attention and your past help in such matters as drive this old codger to distraction
