Long's we're admitting stuff I'll admit that my dispreference for Macs is based on an early ('80s) experience. I was all alone at work and tried to boot up our, what was it? Apple II? All I got was a little anarchist's bomb. No explanation, not even a geek-friendly Error a7ec97d0 @ ff00deadbeef. Just the little anarchist's bomb. When someone who knew what was going on came back from lunch I found that I had a non-boot disk in the floppy drive. Of course the Mac didn't have any little button to push to get the floppy disc out, you would click on some icon on the screen and choose Eject from the drop down menu. At least that's what you would do if the system had booted up properly. Failing a proper boot, to get the floppy to eject you had to hold down AppleFlower-shift-ctrl-M-F3 or something like that while simultaneously powering up the machine. Never mind that I didn't have any hands left to power up the machine with after all three and both feet were tied up holding down all those keys. In the words of the Wise Woman of Wasilla, thanks, but no thanks.