eta thank you again for your support. I was beginning to think I was living in some kind of illusory mental state brought about as an early symptom of Alzheimer's. Note to oldsters contemplating the switch from Bill to Mac:

Incidentally in sheer frustration I acquired a book entitled "Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard" hoping to find something about the acquisition of personal taskbar editing macros in Entourage; but surprise, "Macros" didn't even appear in the index. Or maybe Mac calls it something else. So I intend to slog my way through this volume til I know as much about Mac as I did about windows, not really all that much. I expect it will take a while but I just recently learned that at age 78 I can expect to love another 20 years; so I expect just as I reach that plateau that one evening I will doze off waking up next morning dead
