Have you even noticed the resolution which comes to a patient when finally given a diagnosis, even if the cause of the condition is unknown, and the cure unknown? Putting a name to something has a magic all its own, and I think is the basis for much of our magic mythology.

Yes, I have noticed this. I think that maybe this stems from our core-level belief that everything must surely be
resolvable, discovered, and/or revealed, if we can only find the right keys and use them the right ways. Oh dear, I
didn't put that very well. I think that we as humans have the essential belief that everything is possible, given time and the right circumstances. I think this type of belief is necessary for our very continuance, for without hope, what indeed is the point of living and procreating?

Even when a patient is told there is no cure, having a concrete diagnosis gives him and his loved ones a place to start working from. I am thinking of Lorenzo's Oil.

Speaking of wanting concrete terms: early one morning last week, it occurred to me as I looked at the effect of the rosy sunrise light on the bare tree branches, that this color might be able to be described as something other than
'the color of dark gray bark with sunrise light on it'. I couldn't think of anything, nor could my friend who is both an artist and a scientist. I'm still wondering.