
not too much commentary from on high; no one hogged the voting, and the hogmaster got the rare skunk. although, in the interest of full disclosure, BranShea originally submitted this def’n:
x) a (regional) synonym for heir-at-law, legal heir

which I disallowed with the usual peremptoriness; “it's indecently close to the real meaning -- so much so that you must have based it on some cross-linguistic knowledge.” she replied, “That's it, Michael. At least I had a strong, what does AnnaS call it morphomeme (?) feeling about it. You see, we have the word erfgenaam (meaning legal-heir or heir at law) . Arf and name come close to that as you can see. So I was directly set on something with heritage and name.” in the event, she magnanimously voted for Jackie’s effort.

the only other issue I had was with the wording of Faldage’s entry, which he patiently explained to me and which needed no exegesis for eta and olly.

so, kudos to BranShea, Faldage, twosleepy, and Jackie, who each garnered two(2) votes.

a) a name given to a foundling; after the place or region where it was found [submitted by BranShea] voted for by Fauve, The Pook

b) a short vertical support member in a dome joining the pin to the floorboard [Faldage] etaoin, olly

c) a strong smelling plant resin used as a spice in Eastern cookery [The Pook] Owlbow

d) Cockney rhyming slang meaning fame [consuelo] twosleepy

e) an artform in which coffee-stained pieces of paper are glued together to form a pattern [Fr Steve] Faldage

f) a thought that is on the tip of your tongue but eludes definition [olly]

g) the eldest son (from Old West Low Franconian arf, eldest + name, masc. namesake) [ASp] consuelo

h) a temporary name of affection given to an unborn child until a permanent name is decided upon (from French oeuf, egg) [twosleepy] Fr Steve, ASp

i) arf-nà-may an Indian dish consisting of a mixture of rice and lentils with seasonings [Jackie] inselpeter, Branshea

j) jocular: a Registered Kennel Name, as sanctioned by the Registered Kennel Name Program [tsuwm] Jackie

k) exceptional, extraordinary [inselpeter]

l) the love of mountain climbing [Owlbow]

m) one who inherits, an heir (from ON arfr, inheritance + OE numa, taker) [OED online]

you may now proceed with your post analysis..

the hogmaster™