
another tip for you, if you're running Win9x: Do you have little clickable icons next to the "START" button, in the lower left hand corner of your screen? they will be ordered horizontally, along your grey taskbar. there likely is an Internet Explorer link there (that blue "e" with the electron-path-ish whatchamacallit orbiting around it). if so, you can simply click on that in order to open an additional window (or three... i have 8 running at the moment, though i wouldn't recommend it if you have a slow processor). OTOH, if you don't already have the IE icon in that area, you can drag the one on your desktop down there, and simply drop it in. the desktop one won't disappear, but you'll have a second link appear in the taskbar. i just prefer using this method so that i don't have to minimize my open windows in order to get to the shortcut; the task bar is always visible and accessible.


Ipsa scientia potestas est ~Bacon