"O Cormac, Grandson of Conn", said Carbre,
" What are things fitting for a chieftain and
an alehouse?"
"That's easy," said Cormac:

Composure in the company of a good chief,
Brilliance of lanterns,
Effort for the multitude,
Arranging the seating.

Generosity of dispensers,
Quickness at dispensing,
Readiness of supply.

Consideration for the chief,
Temperance of high spirits,
Brevity of storytelling.

A cheerful face,
Welcome to poets,
Silence during a poem
Melodious music.

"This is fitting for a chieftain and an
alehouse, "said Cormac to Cabre.

Attributed to King Cormac of MacAirt,
who ruled in the third century C.E.

Celtic, translated by Thomas Cleary