Remember "accismus"? "Feigning lack of interest in something offered while actually desiring it", i.e., "Oh, I couldn't possibly!" "You're too kind!" "You shouldn't have!"

I wonder whether or not there is a term for its "opposite". Its opposite might be thought of as feigning the desire to give something while actually hoping the offer is refused. Often both parties share an unspoken knowledge that the offer is merely a gesture, and that it would not be the done thing to accept it.

An example. Let there be two friends, A and B. A is flat broke.

B: I know your funds are somewhat—
A: (Lugubriously): Yes.
B (Reluctantly): Things are a bit tight for me too, but I suppose...
A: (Raising traffic-stopper's palm): No, no. But thanks for offering.

Any suggestions?