
We have the verb fellate from fellatio, so what is the verb of cunnilingus?

This is the question went to the Internet to answer, and I would like to submit one possible candidate to the learned scrutiny of this community:


cunnilingus 1887, from Mod.L. cunnus "vulva" (see cunt) + lingere "to lick" (see lick (v.)). The L. properly would mean "one who licks a vulva," but it is used in Eng. in reference to the action, not the actor. The verb ought to be cunnilingue.

"Cunnilingus was a very familiar manifestation in classical times; ... it tends to be especially prevalent at all periods of high civilization." [Havelock Ellis, 1905]

Online Etymology Dictionary

Oughtn't it to be?

Low folks might call it high but high folk call it low.


Last edited by themilum; 01/14/07 02:58 PM.