
A few of these picked non-randomly:



Long time British slang. If it's caught on in the greater Anglophonic world it's because communication has improved due to the influence of the world wide web and many people find it more expressive than just plan "missing". Sorry if getting yourself elected CinC doesn't help on this one. Maybe thinking of England won't either. Tough.

On behalf of the 400 million or so English speakers whose flavour of choice is NOT American English, I thank you, M. Fong. Although I have long disliked this annual list simply for its prescriptivism, I have come to look upon it with more active antipathy for its assumption of the existence of "one true, Holy, and wholly American, English". If an idiomatic usage is not common in the US, it is, ipso facto incorrect, and to beviewed as an abomination. This viewpoint is deeply ingrained in many speakers of US English, so I salute the Fool for standing up against the twin evils of prescriptivism and cultural hegemony. As many English speakers in my part of the world would say, "kapai, mate!"