Can anyone add more -esce words to this list?


acquiesce verb accept something reluctantly but without protest
coalesce verb come together and form one mass or whole.
convalesce verb recover one's health and strength over a period of time after an illness
detumesce verb the process of subsiding from a state of tension, swelling, or sexual arousal.
defervesce verb (of a fever) to abate as indicated by a decrease in bodily temperature.
deliquesce verb become liquid, typically during decomposition.
effervesce verb (of a liquid) give off bubbles.
effloresce verb lose moisture and turn to a fine powder upon exposure to air; bloom; ripen.
evanesce verb pass out of sight, memory, or existence.
fluoresce verb shine or glow brightly due to fluorescence.
intumesce verb (rare) swell up.
incandesce verb glow with heat.
luminesce verb emit light by luminescence.
obsolesce verb becoming obsolete.
phosphoresce verb emit light or radiation.
putresce verb to become putrescent or putrid.
recrudesce verb break out again; recur.
senesce verb (of a living organism) deteriorate with age.

Last edited by Hydra; 12/15/06 07:10 AM.