Hi Finaleyes.

I'd think that portmanteau would have very limited use; not a good portend for its acceptance and general use.

It definitely wouldn't be clear to people outside of the U.S. since we do not have the same names for our politicians. Once you explain it, I'm still not sure that people would use it to describe the Republicans since the antagonism between the Republicans and Democrats is a U.S. thing (I mean, why insult the Republicans as a whole when it is the policies of the party in power - Republican or Democrat - that generally tend to antagonize other countries?)

The Republicans certainly wouldn't use it so that eliminates a chunk of U.S. folks.

I'd assume, out of political politeness that the Democrats would try not to use it.

Sadly, and perhaps a comment on the state of our education, I don't believe that a great percentage of the population knows what a curmudgeon is.