
Tim Berners-Lee invented the Internet, not Bill Gates.

Several years ago (during the big Technology boom) I worked for a huge telecommunications company. We built and sold the equipment that carries all the Internet traffic. {Cisco claimed to carry 95% of all Internet traffic. In reality, if the Internet is viewed as a superhighway, Cisco has many of the toll booths. We built the 8 lane highway and rest stops}
Being involved in the technical aspects of all this brought me to an important realization.

Al Gore has been reputed as trying to accept credit for INVENTING THE INTERNET. And, I think it is true. If you consider the equipment that carries Internet traffic (the core of the Internet; the equipment with which I worked) governs and controls Internet packets via complex
Mathematical Al-Gore-Rythms

Proof positive!

{As I am new here, please, please, please forgive the bad pun. I am particularly proud of that one because it is original}

"I am certain there is too much certainty in the world" -Michael Crichton