I dunno about all of that stuff Dale but as to alluding to other boards, I have to admit that it gets a little annoying. Even that little two-step you like to do; the "I'm not going to mention the other place because people don’t want me to", is getting a little tiresome.

It's a shame because you bring up interesting topics and points, but the constant comments make you seem immature; it has an aura of petulance, an "Oh ya, well I'll talk about it anyway and they can't say I am because I'm not using the name" thumbing of the nose to the group.

It is disrespectful, like putting your feet up on the table in somebody else's home when you've been asked not to. And based on the post you just made, the other boards seem to find your "other board" hyping tiresome too.

I imagine it is habit, like somebody you're talking with that constantly says, "my sister said this" or "yes, but my sister thinks that" instead of speaking from their own experience.

This might sound surprising, but I'm interested in what you have to say.

I am, on the other hand, not interested one whit in what some other person, on some other board, has to say.