zm: Thank you for that

But the protocol isn't imaginary. I've been raked over the coals in more than one instance at more than one board for mentioning or even providing a link to another such board. Each has its own protocol or sensitivities while raillery is often misinterpreted as hostility

For instance, one banned me for using the term "offshore" referring to the Continent; another accused me in no uncertain terms of "persiflage" (encouraged at one site but despised at another). I was suspended from a third for using the term "Muslim" in connection with terrorism. Board A encourages the use of the tilde (~ as in all the dictionaries) while Board B decries it, threatening banishment

In still another instance I was resoundingly berated for starting a thread but then not participating in its subsequent progress. Heavens, but I had no idea it was required

As I subscribe to a half-dozen such boards, I have six sets of rules to observe, and admittedly I get them mixed up. Worse yet, somestimes two different administrators at a single site will have conflicting rules, esp in the case of two boards which for reasons of protocol and mutual antagonism I cannot specify

Last edited by dalehileman; 11/01/06 10:44 PM.
