lots of make up words.. some are fun
(drunken hines--(he invented cake mixes)
some are household words.
(toy script =scribble scrabble in our house)

some go on to regional application
(your slipping in NYC ="you slip is showing" (but as fewer and fewer womem wear slips, this is becoming archaic)

some made up words go on to become full fledged slang.
(i have no idea who first started to call glittery jewelery 'bling-bling' but its a pretty main stream expression now)

lots of people start new words.. and some catch on.

shakespear is credited with adding XXX (some hundred) new words to the english language.

he his also well known for nonce words.. words that are used in his plays and no where else.. (made up words that didn't catch on)

i think most made up words remain family or extrememly local expressions. a few make it nonce word catagory. and an extreme few make it to slang or general use.

(still its fun to hear made up words.. you never know when a good one will come along.)