Okay folks I believe it has been seven days of voting so here are the results for gam.

consuelo, belMarduk, and Bingley all became lambs to Faldage’s slaughter by choosing (C), earning Faldage the most votes. Faldage and etaoin in turn provided music to the ears of musick by voting for his hinge (D). Aramis11, Elizabeth Creith, and TEd Remington spotted the white whale and chose the correct definition (I). They all earn a point each, plus drinks at Starbuck’s provided they are willing to share a bed with Queequeg. The Hogmaster submitted his own tongue-in-cheek daffynition (G), which was voted for by wofahulicodoc. Aramis11’s printing press stop (H) caught musick ’s eye, and Bingley’s cynosure (J)
led AnnaStrophic up the garden path, which was hardly a gentlmanly thing to do considering her condition. themilum’s cant language (K) earned a vote from tsuwm in addition to milum’s own feint-vote.

(A) a lens in a set of goggles
submitted by AnnaStrophic

(B) an artificial reef of used tire carcasses, partially filled with concrete and sunk individually.
submitted by TEd Remington

(C) the smallest lamb in a flock
submitted by Faldage
voted for by consuelo, belMarduk, Bingley

(D) [Welsh] A hinge.
submitted by musick
voted for by Faldage, etaoin

(E) Old English, obs., livestock market
submitted by consuelo

(F) the basic unit of verse meter consisting of any of various fixed combinations or groups of stressed and unstressed or long and short syllables
submitted by Anonymous

(G) a ventral muscular surface or process of a mollusk
submitted by a naughty rascal
voted for by wofahulicodoc

(H) n. [OE. gaem] an adjustable stop in an old-style printing press that sets the die-to-paper force limit
submitted by Aramis11
voted for by musick

(I) a visit or friendly conversation at sea or ashore especially between whalers; or, a school of whales
dictionary definition of gam
voted for by Aramis11, Elizabeth Creith, TEd Remington

(J) a cynosure
submitted by Bingley
voted for by AnnaStrophic

(K) a cant language spoken by 9,000 "Walking Irish" gypsies in the United States. Also known as "Shelta" or "Gammen" or "Pavee". Today this 13th Century language is spoken by 86,000 "Irish Travellers" worldwide.
submitted by themilum
voted for by tsuwm, themilum

(L) (obsolete) preserved fruit; cf. "jam"
submitted by wofahulicodoc

from Moby Dick, chapter 54
It was not very long after speaking the Goney that another homeward-bound whaleman, the Town-Ho,* was encountered. She was manned almost wholly by Polynesians. In the short gam that ensued she gave us strong news of Moby Dick. To some the general interest in the White Whale was now wildly heightened by a circumstance of the Town-Ho's story, which seemed obscurely to involve with the whale a certain wondrous, inverted visitation of one of those so called judgments of God which at times are said to overtake some men. This latter circumstance, with its own particular accompaniments, forming what may be called the secret part of the tragedy about to be narrated, never reached the ears of Captain Ahab or his mates. For that secret part of the story was unknown to the captain of the Town-Ho himself. It was the private property of three confederate white seamen of that ship, one of whom, it seems, communicated it to Tashtego with Romish injunctions of secrecy, but the following night Tashtego rambled in his sleep, and revealed so much of it in that way, that when he was wakened he could not well withhold the rest. Nevertheless, so potent an influence did this thing have on those seamen in the Pequod who came to the full knowledge of it, and by such a strange delicacy, to call it so, were they governed in this matter, that they kept the secret among themselves so that it never transpired abaft the Pequod's main-mast. Interweaving in its proper place this darker thread with the story as publicly narrated on the ship, the whole of this strange affair I now proceed to put on lasting record.