royalty had extensive inventory, (and wills) and hose is not listed among the many gifts or purchaces of King Harry (and is most definately listed in iventories of ERI)--it could be an oversite, but there are also references to katherine (last of henry's wives) wrapping his swollen ulcerated legs.

knitting socks was not listed as a common occupation (for the poor) either in Harry's time, but it was a common occupation in betty's (so much so she refused to grant a patten to a man who invented a knitting machine (called a frame)to make socks. (the guy took it to france) but hand knit socks (of english make) contintued to be cheaper for a very long time. (the frame were not portable, and the required a bit of skill, (and the men who worked them expected to be paid as skilled laborers)
(knitters all end up knowing historical fact about knitting--knitting is very popular with people with OCD!)

it was the style (and the UK was among the last countries to abondon it) to wrap cloth round the foot and legs. (no doubt, fine cloth, carefully wrapped, could be quite smooth. )