6 months ago, when you first started posting here,
you posted to and/or started several thread about how to use advanced search features of google.
(one example[ur]http://wordsmith.org/board/showflat.php?Cat=0&Board=words&Number=159557[/url])
now, you are stimied by the simpler features of AWAD search.

what is it? are you proficient at using search engines? or an internet illiterate? are you surprised to learn a link is a hyper link? (since when?)

you seem to have an agenda.. (should i go over to word craft to learn it? you seem to refer to that site once a month or so..
all to often you have discussion there, that you are dissatisfied with, you want to continue here,(after we first go there and aquaint ourselves with it, and you provide a link) and then you seem dissatified with our discussion too.

what is it