...how would you call that feeling when eros and thanatos are not in balance nor discord. When I'm in that context mode I often have a sudden surge of creativity. What would be the word for my state of mind the mind not described henceforth?

It seems to me that eros and thantos don't seek balance in the first place, and although are fairly opposite... they aren't really polar opposites, even if creativity can bend them a bit to look directly into each other's eyes.

I suggest it may be the "ego" with which you seek balance. It is easy to use the artificial constructs of daily endeavor to mask the *relationship with ones own life force (and let them take the blame for participation in the first place), but to "step up" without exterior motivation, to use you own intrinsic forces... to define onesself through meaning, life/love and death... to take responsibility... for being the cause of some effect, or even the effect of some cause... get over it! Whatever! _____________ ! (or insert existentialist thought as needed)

However, if what your describing is how your ego gets a jumpstart from being at a point of non-interference from your id... I'd call that feeling "peaceful".