yeah, but you are smart guy, and you are not afraid of technology.

i have taught the total computer illiterate.. and spent a full hour teaching people how to use a mouse (and to click on a link)

you'd think that positioning a mouse and clicking a key would be pretty simple stuff.. but trust me, one class (the worst) we spent a full three hours just mastering this skill.

these were not (in general) stupid people, (most were retired), the classes were given in branches of the library, and barely advertized. these people had the inteligence to go to the library, read the announcement, sign up and show up (at the appointed time) now, Cap, i suspect you have worked with people who have advanced degrees who sometimes have trouble just showing up on time...i know i have.

but these users were so frightened by computers, i did everything i could to help them relate computer activites to every day skills. (one woman mentioned she was a dress maker, and i reminded her how normal it is to look down the length of what is being sewn, and how she used her foot pedal to control speed.. i likened the mouse movement to that, and she 'got it' right away..

i think i would use the word paint.. its understandable.. and since highlighters are really modern tools (they were just becoming available when i was in HS--for anyone older than me, "highlighting the text" might not be immediately understandable. it might not be something they have ever done.

but paint? most everyone has painted something at some point in our lives.