I have those in nearly all the rooms of my home. Very convenient since you never have to check the batteries. The light isn't the greatest but it is more than enough to illuminate the area while looking for the propane lamp.

A woman at the office was selling them for ten bucks a pop last December, so I bought one for everybody in my family - well one for each family.

I wrapped them up for Christmas and stood them up side-by-side beside the goodie bags of stuff I'd made up as prizes to be won for the games we play during the party.

A couple of the goodie bags were "pleasure-packs" which included those wooded massage wheels, loofa, aromatherapy foam bath, and um, personal lubricant. All stuff we manufacture at work.

Well, I'll let you folks imagine what people thought the long flashlights were after they'd seen the pleasure-pack goodie bags with personal lubricant.