The injustice that kids are getting these days isn't just that they aren't learning all that they could learn, but that they are not learning to push themselves. Oh! I agree! Absolutely! My son's high school, especially, was just awful. They actually told me that they don't give much homework because "the kids won't do it".

I know they're worried (rightfully so) about low test scores, and I'd bet money that a large percentage of the reason they won't push kids is that they're afraid there'll be a lot of dropouts, which will cost them funding. But...they are NOT doing these kids a favor. My son loved it--he just skated through; but now he's trying the same thing in college, and it just isn't working. He's dropped a couple of courses, and some of his grades are terrible. And it's just killing me, because I think he may actually be even more intelligent than his sister, who has gotten near-perfect grades her entire school career. (She went to a different high school--one where she could stay in the AP. His had a program he wanted, but did not have the AP.)