
an instrument with a name that sounds like a recipe!

Chili con corni da caccia

Cut game (venison, pheasant, boar) into chunks and brown in a stew pot. Add onions, garlic, tomatoes, oregano, chili peppers (minced) and salt with a little red wine and simmer a long time. Serve by pouring into the big end of a French horn.

If you are expecting a large crowd, add a rabbit, but be warned that there are people who do not appreciate hare in their stew.

You guise be nice to Fr. Steve. He's had a hard time dealing with heathen recipes that call for getting some ingredients out of bottles or cans. I have it on good authority that his recipe for key lime pie requires one to actually go to Key West to gather the limes. And the next instruction: Lay 3 eggs.