re: Over here on the Left Coast, removing fallen trees from the road is NOT part of the job description of law enforcement officers.

yeah, but....
i've been to the north west once (and california several times) and i have to admit, i gawked like a tourist at the trees. i had 2 big oaks in my yard (when i lived in a house) they were big enough for me to hide behind when playing hide and seek with my kids, and i am not small person.

but the trees in the west? they are like building in NYC.

everyone thinks they have seen tall building until they start to walk around NYC. then they stop looking where they are going, and instead walk around with their eyes upward gawking..

i have driven up and down the east coast (from Nova Scotia to Virginia,) and to Michigan, and even driven to California. but no where was i impressed with the size of the trees as i was in north of Seattle, (and in south part of BC.) and i suspect i didn't see the biggest trees out west.

Even a big east coast tree is well easy to haul away. (my neighbor when i lived in the house in Little Neck (the extreme edge of NYC) used to 'help' neighbors out, and clear downed trees for them, provide he could have the wood.
he bragged he heated his house for free. he, with his chain saws, and his little volvo could clear most downed trees in a few hours. hauling away a west coast tree would be a weeks work!