Not a troll, not ignoring anyone. My work schedule doesn't allow me to check back very often. I'm hoping to find the appropriate word that fits the description I gave above.
This is the individual that, not matter how much you work with or punish, just won't learn a lesson. Nothing seems to make an impact on them. The one that always has and always will do dumb stuff, and yet always seems to be rewarded for it.The one whose ass you just can't kick hard enough for them to learn from. The one that's such a smart-ass that no matter how hard you could kick their ass, you still want to do it more and harder. The one that you warn, they proceed, they're rewarded (over and over), and you look disgusted and mutter, "There ain't no justice".

I don't have a specific individual in mind, nor do I want to start a flame battle, especially since I don't know any of you (I'm new in these parts).

There's gotta be a word for that!


Last edited by browerpatch; 02/15/06 01:24 PM.