I don't know... maybe it grew stale on me since I speak it, hear it and see everyday for the pass 20 years? maybe it's because it's just a small language for a small country, and I much desire to speak and think in "global terms"? maybe it's because I find Hebrew awfully limiting... or maybe it's because computers and particularly the internet (to both of which I'm addicted) are essentially English-based (not to mention TV)? maybe it's because I sense a mentality here that knowing English is highly venerated? or maybe it's because I find something more "graceful" in English? ..gee I really don't know, maybe it's all these reasons? or maybe sometimes you just love thing because you just do and hate things because you just do-- could be that too? there really isn't a clear cut answer, I could probably come up with 50 more reasons more if you give me time. Here's something you don't wanna read too far into eh?