Well, shoot, Honey--I'm sorry. One of those "learning experiences", I guess.

Our pastor told an interesting story this morning--I doubt you'll ever need this exact thing, but the idea of being open/aware of the unexpected might help you at some time in the future. Okay--

It was about 1940, and a telegraph office had advertised for a new position. On the designated day, eight men showed up and sat down in the waiting room, where they could hear the telegraph clicking madly from the adjoining room. The supervisor's door was shut. Suddenly, one of the men got up and walked right into the supervisor's office without even knocking. A few minutes later, the supervisor came out and told the others to leave because that man had gotten the job. One the seven couldn't stand it, and asked how that guy had achieved getting the job when the rest hadn't even had a chance to be interviewed. Whereupon the supervisor pointed out that the whole time they'd been sitting there, the telegraph clicks had been spelling out, "Whoever understands this, come right in--the job is yours".