Thanks Max, yes, Mother and Father are different-- and the discussion about Hatter/Milliner I was try to ascertains if there was a difference-- there is a difference between a (black) smith and an iron worker-- and between a black smith and a farrier-- and there might be a difference between a hatter/ milliner. Men's hat where made from leather/skins/fur (beaver) woman's hats felt.. so a man could be a milliner-- (that is he could make hats for women, and a hatter could be a woman-- ) but i don't know enough about the trades/skills..(i do know the difference between a blacksmith/ironworker/farrier.)

I would readily recognize the distinctions between a gynecologist and a urologist. A woman might have an occasion to go to a urologist, but the number of men who would require the help of a gynecologist would be infinitely smaller.

but often the only difference between a waiter/ waitress is the waitress earns less money.... while sometime being requires to do the same work as the waiter except she gets (has) to do it in high heels!

Wife and husband might be replacable-- with spouse. Or disposable, as the need might be......