James Joyce.

Hmm. "Higgledy-piggledy" is pronounced non-sequiturily in the Old High Martian. I s'pose scare-quote unreadable un-scare-quote means many things to many folks. To me, for what it's worth, I find Dean Koontz, Karl Marx, Sir Philip Sydney, and Dan Brown unreadable. Joyce didn't write many books, and of those he did most are what I would call quote-unquote readable. Dubliners and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man are no more difficult to read than Ford Maddox Ford's Good Soldier or J R R Tolkien's The Hobbit. Ulysses is perhaps a bit more of an effort, but it is certainly no more difficult than Shakespeare or the King James version of the Bible. Then, here comes Finnegans Wake: it is this book on which Joyce's famous unreadability rests. As some have said here it is a difficult book, but as others have suggested it is a fun book. I find it a whole lot of fun. More fun than say Stephen King or Lynne Truss. Now, on to musick, or but do I digress? Charles Ives Fourth Symphony; John Oswald Pretender; George Antheil Ballet Mecanique; The Evolution Control Committee Rocked By Rape; Erling Wold The Bed You Sleep In; Spike Jones The Fuehrer's Face; Al Yankovic Another One Rides the Bus; W A Mozart Dies Irae; etc. And let's keep the salamanders out of the ashes ... as duteous to the vices of thy mistress As badness would desire ... in? ...

Ceci n'est pas un seing.