

Yes, I was just parrying your attempted diversion. But a change of subject is due, and I much prefer threads which are not about contemning Homo Loquens.

Lately I am getting a galvanic skin response from Bach (the Erbarme dich aria from the Matthäuspassion sits at the top of my iTunes playcount). Brian Eno's ambient soundscapes are condusive to lucubration. Steve Reich for his phase music permutations (but not Philip Glass). Johannes Chrysostomos Theophilus or is it Gotlieb somethingorother. The Andantino from his Piano Concerto No. 9 in E Flat Major is beyond praise. The Way I Am by Eminem. The winding fractal gyres of Bach's fugues and cello suites. Leonard Cohen. Radiohead. And since I was a child I have liked that song "Let's Get Physical" by Olivia Newton John.

What about you?