
I did sheets of acid and listened to ~ as a kid--Dave Grohl--quoted by Solvej Schou

A distinct genre, or simply music of the Heavy-Metal style but played in an aggressive or hellacious way? That the name of the group wasn't capitalized in the AP story suggests that the expression may refer to a generic mode of presentation and hence it qualifies as a genuine neologism

"Heavy metal" -- like a number of other pop culture terms, song lyrics and band names --was taken from the writings of the only figure in (actually, on the periphery of) the American "Beat Generation" who deserves to be taken seriously: William S. Burroughs.

He used it in an entirely different context :


"With their diseases and orgasm drugs and their sexless parasite life forms - Heavy Metal People of Uranus wrapped in cool blue mist of vaporized bank notes - And the Insect People of Minraud with metal music"

Burroughs, William S, (1964). Nova Express. New York: Grove Press. p. 112

Wiki provides a comprehensive list of subgenres here, without mention of "Satanic Death Metal."

I've always thought of Death Metal to be Heavy Metal plus (usually rather risible) Satanic pretensions, the obligatory "Cookie Monster™ " vocals [1] and silly as you please band names like Rotting Christ.

However, according to Wiki, the Satanic subgenre of Heavy Metal is Black Metal

[1] quod vide Sesame St