
Basically it means to mezmerize. Applied to gaming, however, it appears to mean disable, without necessarily the hypnotic connotation, or to confuse, or disable. Evidently it is feasible to mezz an entire mob . Any gamers' comments welcome

A mob in gaming is a single computer-driven opponent (not another human player). The word is from way back in the MUD days and is short for Mobile OBject.

Some related terms to mezz:
aoe (area of effect) the spell affects all the mobs in a given radius rather than one targetted mob ergo an aoe mezz can affect more than one mob.
dot (damage over time) the spells effects are spread out over time, e.g. the spell does 75 hit points (hp) of damage by doing 15 hit points every 3 seconds for 1 minute (5 * 15).
bleed - related to damage over time but is an after effect of the main damage and often not tied to a total amount of damage, e.g. weapon damage plus 3 hp every 10 seconds until healed or rested (or death).
poison - similar to bleed but requires a cure instead of a heal
root (hold in place) - unlike a mezzed mobs, rooted mobs may still be able to fight if the opponent stays in range