But in order to know when to break the rule one must know the rule in the first place.

Here *your cart seems to be put before *my horse. There ain't no special time to break the steekin rules

... and although, I admit, that even wit (if you will) may fall on less/fewer deaf ears when the rules are clear, the goal of creativity is its newness not its sameness. This reminds me of times when I hear a language I do not understand (99.99999% of all other languages and a huge chunk of this one). Inspiration and intrigue comes to me from the sounds and combinations thereof 'with which I'm not familiar'... yet, I suppose I should've said "which I'm not familiar with". Neither of those are less clear. One I would speak the other... not! (But that's parbably being shellfish, taint it?)

That is: my focus lies in the creation of communication. Others' may be to understand meaning. The whole issue is clearly one of context. Asking someone what was the intended meaning of what was spoken doesn't automatically assign fault to the speaker, nor does it necessarahlee mean it was faulty listening/hearing.

Clarity *almost requires that we all speak the same language. Communication, per se, doesn't. Creativity seems to sidestep the whole clarity concern.