If all y'all had to live with reggaeton like I do...
It's gangsta rap in Spanish and if you took a bar of soap to the dialect, there'd hardly be a word left when you were done. Unfortunately, my next door neighbor thinks everyone should enjoy it and he plays it REALLY LOUD, sometimes starting at 4:00am. He's in his mid 40's, so you'd think he'd know better, but. The dance, called perreo, is done with the pancoockie presenting her nolas to the Papi Chulo and moving them up and down (like a paint mixer) and then some sinuous ondulations on his juenque. She does all the work and he stands there with a silly smile on his face. If they were two dogs on the street (as the name of the dance implies), you'd throw water on them. Reggaeton is all about machismo.