nummie, also spelled nummy.

Noun. Good things to eat, particularly as distinguished from things to eat which are mostly good for you but not particularly tasty, flavourful nor appetizing.

There is a food shop of some sort in Des Moines, Iowa, called Nan's Nummies.

2. Adjective. Tasty, good to eat, flavourful, appetizing.

Nummy Muffin Cocoa Butter was the name of a radio program in Austin, Texas/

3. Exclamation. Expressing pleasure upon eating something which tastes good, is delightful, pleasing to the palate.

There is an episode of The Simpsons in which Ned Flanders, their next-door neighbour, invites Homer to a barbecue. "Come on over and strap on the feed bag. We're going to fire up old Propane Elaine and put the heat on the meat! Nummy-nummy-num!"

Etymology unknown, perhaps related to yummie, also spelled yummy.

~The Old Padre's Dictionary of Words I Use Whether You Like Them or Not and What I Mean by Them (copyright pending).