PS were movies supposed to "matter"?

Well, yes, for some, Zed. But not necessarily for you and me. I mostly go for 'escape' myself.

Aside: Lest this discussion be considered recalcitrant by those who expect their "Miscellany" strictly structured, may we consider this discussion a discussion of the meaning of the word "matter"? - that is, "matter" in the sense in which you have used it, Zed, and also in the sense in which Gabler used it in his headline "Movies just don't matter".

Films That Matter
Media that Matters fest brings young filmmakers to the fore.
By Geoff Aung, Columbia University
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Let’s be honest: There are films, and there are movies. City of God, for example, is a film, while War of the Worlds is a movie. We at Campus Progress tend to fall on the filmy side of the divide, but we’ve got nothing against Scientology City, I swear. Especially when Hollywood = Wedding Crashers. But despite gems like the latest from the Wilson/Vaughn collective, the truth is we just can’t count on the local Loews to serve up the goods these days. Expensive popcorn, yes; meaningful cinematic goods, no.

That’s where Media That Matters comes in. For the fifth year running, Media That Matters, a part of Media Rights, a non-profit organization that connects filmmakers, activists, educators and youth, has put together a film festival featuring the best from young and even younger filmmakers creating art for social change. As one of the featured artists, Sarah McLachlan says, “Media That Matters is about people making the switch from apathy to action.” Call it reel progressivism.