snoot-i trust plutarch about as far as i can throw a lead brick.. (and i think there exist an uneasy truce right now..)

and yeah, his pendantic, "purer than thou tone" comes across as snotty.. but..
for the moment--he is confining himself to misc. and he is not making 20 comments (OK,so not 20 just 2 or 3 or half dozen) in a row, commending himself on how clever he is.

this is an open BB, and well no one is perfect.
Yeah, its easy to suspect him.. but ...

since this is an unmoderated forum, and since at this point, plutarch is 'playing nice'--let's not bitch and moan about every post he makes.

maieutics is a word..(so it's on topic) (and could almost be discussed in Q & A about words)

interesting how a guy being a midwife to knowledge is valuable thing, but modern medicine (mostly men) gots its start destroying the profession of midwife in the real world.

to be Midwife to anything now day is not to be a valueable coach, helper, partner.. the profession of midwife is no one of esteem..

nowdays, a sports rather than a maternal analogy would be more apt. what with sports managers and team coaches gettign million $ saleries, and midwifes all but non existent.
and rarely are they (or their services) considered acceptable for insurance purposes. Only those who have independant means can afford to pay for a midwife- and then the expenses are out of pocket.. insurance companies, (and hospitals) don't consider them 'health professional' and you can not submit claims to pay for their services.

a sea change in subtext to the word..