ho, hum, this is obviously my week for being the dwarf who is out of step!

What makes a place unique, that gives it its distinct identity?
Its people.
Its landscape.
Its place in the world.
Its passage through time.
From its beginnings as a humble trading post to the bustling metropolis it is today, Singapore has always been different. A bridge between the East and the West for centuries, Singapore is today a vibrant melting pot of ideas, cultures and peoples. Local in its perspective but global in its outlook, Singapore is a city that has evolved uniquely, where age-old traditions and cutting-edge innovations are celebrated, a place brimming with unbridled energy and bursting with exciting events.

Singapore – truly a city like no other. With its friendly and welcoming people, state-of-the-art infrastructure and something new happening every day, Singapore is so easy to appreciate. Come and discover countless unique experiences, and take away memories that are uniquely Singapore.

Sure, it's an advert. So what? It's trying, in only a small space, to conjure up a mood to get people interested in the complexities of a whole city. I happen to think it broadly works, and it doesn't pertickly offend my eye or ear. Like eta said, I'd scan it logically as an ellipse - I suppose to unpackage its full values you'd have to take "[these diverse features are] uniquely Singapore[an in their exciting cross-cultural characteristics]"

<shrugs, exiting USL in search of hot&sour noodles>