bush mill, a good deal of us are always generally interested in whiskey. (and other distilled alcohols.)

we've discused the spelling of whiskey (and had side bar conversation on which we like) we've disscussed word that have come into english for arabic languages (like um, let me think of one, Oh, i know Alcohol) (and somehow the too was an occation for discusions about potent potables, wine, brandy, yeast.. barley, malt, (even a discusion about DNA linked to RNA, which led to Rybose (oh, and ose, a sugar, mmm, sugar can be fermented.. hey we can talk about alcohol.)

It could be we are lushes.. (and its sure seems like the lady's of the board are, at times, not the most lady like) but alcohol, is a perennial side topic and does well as topic on its own.. and many of us here are not unfamiliar with it in various forms. --(there have even been dark tales told, in secret places, about corrupting innocents.. and teaching a lamb to nurse, using a beer bottle--with a nipple and milk in the bottle
--the poor thing was never fully weened once it discovered bottle with out nipples attached were more fun to drink..

(off--with a earwig of 'get me a copper kettle..' ringing in my ears..)