I find the illustrative quotes sent every day with AWAD emails useful to understanding even if I do not agree with their sentiments. In fact I do not even ask myself whether I disagree with them.

I am willing to explore your sensitivities and the reasons for them. I am also willing to discuss the non-existent groundrules of which you imagine you are an enforcer until the cows come home--whenever that is!

If you want to stop your ears, cover your eyes and ignore my posts however worthy, be my guest! Contributions from the timid, intolerant, narrow minded or unimaginative aren't very interesting anyway!

Your aversion to scriptural quotations is your own business. Do not try to impose your intolerance upon me.

I believe that you are deliberately trying to be offensive by your use of the 'word of dog' for the 'word of God.' Well I can forgive you for that, but will your 'Dog?'