In Columbus, mid-way in the State of Ohio, we have some of the Kentucky/West Virginia influence and some of the Yankee, too. I've been influenced myself, saying things like "bah" for "bye" and "hey" for "hi".

When I moved here in 1978, I had never seen so many pick-up trucks on the roads. Just didn't drive those in Youngstown unless you were in town from the farm.

In high school I had a chemistry teacher (am I allowed to tell her real name? It was pretty funny!) who was from the Deep South (forget which state). Instead of making two syllables out of some words, she simply left the dipthong out completely! Thus she said "boil" more like "bowl" and "oil" like "old" without a "d" on the end. Weird!

What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy? -Ursula K. Le Guin, author (1929- )