Wow, that IS intriguing, Sparteye. professor Colin Williams of Cardiff University's School Of Welsh, who specialises in comparative languages.

He suggested that the similarities are because they come from the same mother language - the proto-European language.

This makes me wonder a couple of things. First, is it only Welsh that shares such a close bond w/ Hindi? Many different languages have many words that are very similar. However, if it is only Welsh (and it sounds like it might be) that has this close a tie, then there must be more explanation than simply sharing a root language. So--was the Hindi-speaking part of India settled (ARGH, the word ruled gets my goat!) by Welshmen, or what?

Rats--I had a vague memory that maahey, that awesome person (where are you??), had made a post about language in India; I found the one I was looking for, and it isn't really about languages, but I'll put the link anyway because it's so interesting: