Trompe-l’œil means to mislead the eye. Insearch is making a jewellery box that fools the eye into believing that it is a painting. --- Do you see what I mean?

Yes, I do see what you mean, belMarduk. One can approach this from many different angles. :)

Still another way of looking at this would be to say the jewelry box is masquerading as a framed painting. This draws the analogy with hypocrite even tighter because, as I just discovered, "hypocrite" derives from the greek word for "actor": [Middle English ipocrite, from Old French, from Late Latin hypocrita, from Greek hupocrits, actor, from hupokrnesthai, to play a part, pretend. See hypocrisy.]


n: a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he does not hold

BTW a hypocrite has a jewel box too. But his jewel box is empty. He may collect jewels of wisdom, but none of them end up in his jewel box.