Now I get the Empress of Blandings allusion, Maverick. Very clever. [Thanks to Etaoin, as well.] :)

So it turns out Fred Patzel was "the hog-caller champion of the Western states" who hollered his way into a story in Vanity Fair in 1926 which Wodehouse must have read 'cause "Pig - hoo-o-o-ey" ended up along with the Empress of Blandings in a story Wodehouse wrote in 1929 with the unlikely title of "Fish Preferred".

Wodehouse and The Real
Empress Of Blandings

The second part of my talk begins with the question - if the Empress of Blandings was, well, conceived if you like in Pig - hoo-o-o-ey by way of Fred Patzel and Vanity Fair, when and how did she become the staple element of life at Blandings, the centre of every Blandings Castle story? The 'when' is easy - that's Summer Lightning or as you call it Fish Preferred, which first came out in Spring 1929. The ‘how' is much more complicated.

Now, Pig- hoo-o-o-ey was first published in July l927 but there is a letter to Townend from Wodehouse, written I recall, in late l926, in which Wodehouse says he is trying to work out a new, full-length Blandings novel, the one we now know as Fish Preferred. It is the third Blandings novel but it is a very significant book in Wodehouse's career.