1 Pebble in the stream
Lava flowing on the hill
Our words change slowly

Frothing surf atop the waves
The tide comes and the tide goes

2 Words are given thoughts
which may melt old rocks and clog
streams which feed the seas

Seven seas brim too slowly
Attentuate too swiftly

3 Sea eels verb each noun
So what if fish tell lies, Yang?
Seals live on white lies, Yen.

Slippery tongues obfuscate
The truth and lie in all hues

4 Pure truth absent hue
Lie enfolds germ - tainted truth
Waves pound shore, cleanse truth.

Truth's diamond never corrodes
But refracts to each their hue.

5 Flood cedes, growth anew
Diamond of truth commands view
Wisdom pores, like dew.

Dewdrops catch morn’s light - reflects
And grows a new sun’s image