Here's what tsuwm sent me and it worked without a hitch. Thanks, tsuwm!

"so you've got IE, right?

1. right click (however you do that with optical mouse) in the toolbar area (the grey area up top with all the other buttons) you should see a pull-down menu that looks like this:
/ Standard Buttons
/ Address Bar
/ Links

if Links is not checked, select it (left click), and when you right click the toolbar again Links should be checked.

2) now, somewhere on the toolbar there should be a separated field labeled "Links", which comes and goes with the menu selection you've just played with. There may or may not be clickable buttons displayed next to it -- most likely not unless someone has changed settings for you since you got your system.

3) If there are buttons on the toolbar that you never use you can delete them by right-clicking ON THE BUTTON itself, which gives you another pull-down menu with a Delete option. This holds for any of the buttons in the grey area -- if you never use them you can pretty confidentally get rid of them; they're just taking up space you could use for better stuff. NOTE: Should you accidentally delete a button that you find that you need, it's easily recovered.

4) now for the good stuff; and it's pretty simple. In order to create a new button for (say) OneLook, just go to Next to the address (it's in the Address box! :) you should see an icon to the left of the Address. Left-click that icon and without releasing the mouse button drag that sucker right over next to the Link field. et viola!" ~ tsuwm

Edit: I just took the five sites I visit regularly and dragged each over to the links. Super. It's like having a very Highly Favored Favorites in one place without having to scroll down. Great.