it would help me (and perhaps other here?) if i knew who WE is.

is WE the collective of independant thinkers who sometimes post here?
if so, why does one person, consistantly post about US --as if that one poster was a spokeperson for MY thoughts, (and jackies's thoughts, etc.)

why do they consistantly think it is Their responsibility to be the spokeperson for the collective? (or did i miss the day when one person became the lord almight of this group?)

a real problem i have with WE is, well the idea that WE --the odd, collection of sometimes frequent, and some times infrequent posters could collectively agree on anything!

HELL we can't agree on what is a word, and what isn't --even though they(words) are discussed to death!

Of course, it could be my misreading of the imperial WE.

it could be one poster, who posts under various names and aliases, is speaking of their personal, collective selves. they might be WE because the poster has multiple personalities, or the poster is a conduit for all the voices in his head that are clammmoring to get heard. if that is the case, it should be clarified.

As i said in the first line of this post, it's certainly not clear to me who WE are!

Perhaps what is needed is a thread on personal pronouns..

I speak for myself,
You speak for yourself, and collectively WE can come to an understanding of the uses of personal pronouns.

of course, my understanding (in the end) might not be the same as yours and we might never totally agree about the use of WE. but it still might be educating.

that is what I think.

I too, also dislike when presumptions are made about me, or the general statements are made about groups (and yes, we are a group)that i am part of, be they good or bad.

i am not smart--as group--i am smart or not on my own.
and my spelling (or lack there off) is my problem, not the groups. and my memory is excellent (or suffering from a senior moment) but it is mine, not the groups.