I was not so much thinking nostalgically as I was attempting to suggest a place to start. I haven't done a Search on the word irony, but I feel sure that several dozen listings would come up; and out of all of those--if my memory is correct--it was somewhere in the earlier ones rather than the later ones where many of the Brit-speakers tried valiantly to explain the concept to us irony-poor US'n's. aorto had said, unless I seriously misinterpreted the post, that he (?) would like to have more understanding of irony and that there didn't seem to be a need to look further than here. Somewhere in all those listings, there actually is some explanation, and I was trying to offer a suggestion that might save a little time.

This is not the first time this has happened, she said by way of explanation for the following sounding perhaps more harsh than one instance would warrant: one thing I get tired of here is people assuming they know my motivations and then announcing them as fact. You can check with me; you can post or tell me that you think I'm thinking thus-and-so; but please don't state assumptions about me as fact. And I am not referring to teasing; that's fine.